Ha Giang to Meo Vac

Ha Giang to Meo Vac Bus

Travel distance from Ha Giang to Meo Vac is around 170km by QL4C road and via Dong Van town. Our bus can pick up you at your hotel in Ha Giang town and it takes around 6 hours.

Everyday , we have 06 bus trips from Ha Giang to Meo vac and return.

Bus Ha Giang to Meo vac depart at : 05h00/07h00/10h00/11h00/13h00/ 15h00

Bus Meo Vac to Ha Giang depart at : 05h00/06h00/08h00/11h00/13h00/15h00

It is 29 Seats bus ( Huyndai or County) and 16 Seats car ( Ford Transit).

Book bus Ha Giang to Meo Vac call or chat +84 913 096 281/ 888 000 896

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